Arizona Biltmore Estates Village Association.
General Information.
Arizona Biltmore Estates Village Association (ABEVA) is the master homeowner's association for all residential properties and certain commercial properties located in the Biltmore area. There are 17 individual residential communities, each of which have their own sub-association and are generally managed by professional firms.
Commercial properties include the Arizona Biltmore Resort and several office complexes located along Arizona Biltmore Circle and & 24th Parkway. ABEVA provides limited common area services for these properties, such as street sweeping and pavement maintenance. These properties are billed every year in January based on individual agreements.
ABEVA is governed by a Board of Directors that are elected by the members of the Association who comprise the residential homeowners.

ABEVA provides landscaping, streetlight and paving maintenance for common areas located outside the various individual communities except for Thunderbird Trail from 24th Street to the hotel entrance which is the responsibility of the hotel.
A twenty-four hour, 7 days a week roving patrol covering all areas, including individual communities, is provided.
Architectural and landscaping control for all areas outside individual communities is the responsibility of the Architectural Committee of the Board of Directors.
ABEVA is responsible for enforcement of rules and regulations established pursuant to provisions contained in the Declaration of Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions.
Certain “grand fathered” properties located on Biltmore Estates Drive are exempt from control by ABEVA.
The primary source of revenue is annual assessments from each of the residential homeowners. There are 1688 homeowners, and the annual assessment is paid in advance on November 1st, which is the beginning of the fiscal year. The current assessment rate covers operating expenses and additions to a reserve fund for future major repairs and capital additions. In addition, ABEVA receives annual assessments from the various commercial properties and two residential communities, Fairway Lodge & Two Biltmore Estates, to cover the cost of maintaining roadways and streetlights.
Operating budgets are prepared annually by the Manager and Treasurer as the basis for establishing annual assessment rates. The budget is reviewed by the Budget Committee of the Board and approved by the full Board.